Tuesday 10 December 2024 Rātū tekau o Hakihea
Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Sat Sri Akal, Namaste, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu,Bula Vinaka, Salam & Warm Pacific Greetings to you all
Thursday 12 December Year 5-8 Arts and Sports Awards 11.45am Whānau welcome to attend
Monday 16 December Year 8 Graduation Dinner 4.30pm – 7pm
Tuesday 17 December Values/Cultural Assembly 11.45am, whole school All welcome to attend
Wednesday 18 December Pohutukawa Team Final Assembly 12.30pm All welcome
Thursday 19 December Rimu&Totara Teams Final Assembly 11.45am Kowhai Team Final Assembly 2pm All welcome to attend
Friday 20 December Year 8 Graduation Assembly, 10.00am in our hall, all welcome Final day for 2024, 12:30 pm final bell
Monday 3 February 2025 Class Learning commences for 2025
Tuesday 18 March – Friday 21 March Kahikatea (Year 7 & 8) Camp to the Christian Youth Camp, Ngāruawāhia
Celebration In The Park 2024
The sun shone on all our students who took the stage last Tuesday afternoon. From the drums of the Pacific to the sparkle of Saree and lahenga, to the fierce sound of the Haka, our talented tamariki showcased their cultures and talents for our community to enjoy.
A massive thank you to Mr Sala’a Lologa for coordinating the event, and to the amazing Teachers, School Leaders and Support Staff who made it all possible.
Year 8 Rainbows End Trip
As a lead-up to Graduation, our Year 8 tamariki took off to Rainbows End to enjoy the day with their peers. Thank you to our Kahikatea Team Leaders and Teachers for accompanying our students last Friday.
RPS Pātaka Kai
As part of the Pohutukawa team’s Discovery topic looking at sustainability and social change, classes took action and addressed the issue of food wastage. The end result is the Pātaka Kai outside our school office and outside Room 11. Students urge you to take what you need and to give what you can.
End of year information on your Son/Daughter’s progress.
This term our kaiako/teachers have been undertaking assessments to inform the end of year comment about how well your tamariki are doing.
These will be published on our School Management System HERO. Included in the summary of their progress will be a statement for Literacy and Mathematics. It will say how they are progressing, whether they are working above, at, below or well below the expected level for their year age.
Once you have had an opportunity to read through the comment and discuss this with your tane/wahine you are very welcome to contact us if you would like to discuss this further with their kaiako.
 If you have any questions about how to use or are having difficulty accessing our HERO app, please feel free to come and speak to one of our office ladies, who will be available for assistance.
In Term 4 we received our Education Review Office (ERO)report. We are very proud of the feedback we have received and are excited to share this with you our RPS whānau.
The following is some of the feedback that resonates with the values we have as a learning community.
More students now achieve at and above expected curriculum levels in mathematics; achievement levels for students in reading and writing have been sustained.
Students are increasingly aware of their roles and responsibilities within collaborative learning environments and as independent learners
Students regularly set and review goals in partnership with their parents and teachers
Learner outcomes are becoming increasingly equitable and excellent.
The large majority of learners achieve at or above expected curriculum levels in reading, writing and mathematics.
This is great feedback and highlights the commitment of both our staff and you our whānau to the education of our tamariki.
Congratulations RPS whānau.
This is a great way to wrap up a very successful 2024.
Community Alert! Public Meeting Invitation on Traffic Infrastructure!!
Join us for an important public meeting to discuss with the Local Board and Auckland Transport for Traffic Calming in Randwick Park.
Date: 10th December
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Manu Tukutuku, 32 Riverton Drive
Bring your questions about how this will impact our community. We urgently need to get some calming traffic infrastructure built in the neighbourhood especially with recent events that have happened in the area.
This meeting is organized by the Randwick Park Residents Association.
For more info, call Dave: 0800 409 409
Your voice matters—be informed and get involved!
Celebrating our Past Student Achievements This will be the last segment for 2024, and we have saved the best until last.
A special congratulations to Miss Kimberley Tangaroa, a Randwick Park ex-student, Mainfreight recipient, and now a fully registered teacher at RPS. We are very proud of all she is achieving.
Miss Tangaroa is an excellent example of our School Values. Coming back to teach in the community that taught her, shows dedication and commitment to the tamariki here at RPS.

Farewell Mrs Rich and Miss Patel Next week we are saying farewell to two long serving staff members
Mrs Kristin Rich has been a member of our RPS whānau for nine years

Miss Vanita Patel has been part of RPS for the last 17 years.

Both came to us as beginning teachers and have continued their successful careers here at RPS. Both are teachers are moving to schools closer to home. We thank them for the time they have given to our community and the work they have done with so many of our tamariki. We wish them both happiness and success in their future endeavours.
Thank you for ensuring your child arrives at school prior to the 8.40 am bell. 93 students have a 100% attendance this term and are in the draw for the tub of balls. There will be a live draw at our Cultural and Values Assembly next Tuesday

When dropping your tamariki off in the morning please use our yellow coned drop-off area. This is for the safety of you and your tamariki. If you would like to walk your child/ren to class, please park on the road.
Our school gates are closed from 2 pm. Only parents/whānau who have a parking permit are permitted through the gates as we have limited parking spaces.
If you have any questions, please contact our school office on 09 2670112 or 0800 438777. Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation in keeping our tamariki safe.
Health and Safety NO CROCS or JANDALS permitted
For health and safety we ask that students do not wear crocs or jandals – they are not practical when tamaiti are participating in physical education and other activities. They are especially unsafe for our Year 7-8 tamariki due to their technology programme. If you have any questions to this, you are welcome to contact us.
Thank you for your support
2025 COHORT DATES FOR NEW ENTRANTS(5 year-old tamariki) Term 1:3 February & 10 March
Term 2:28 April & 26 May
Term 3:14 July & 18 August
Term 4:6 October & 10 November
If you have any questions about enrolments and start dates please talk to one of our lovely office staff or email enrolments@randwickpark.school.nz
BREAKFAST CLUB MONDAY – FRIDAY 8:10 – 8:30 AM in Te Kahukura, all welcome
SCHOOL HOURS School starts at 8:40 am & finishes at 2:45 pm. If tamariki arrive after 8:40 am they are late and need to sign in at the back of our office with Miss Dot, our School Liaison Officer.
All students are asked to be off school grounds by 3 pm unless they are attending a sport training.
This is for safety reasons as we do not have supervision in case of an emergency, injury or incident.
Please contact SKIDS (after-school care) if you need supervision for your child/ren on 0276275001 or 0800543922. Thank you for your support with this.
We are now enjoying lighter mornings and warmer days, our summer uniform consists of school shorts, skirt, polo shirt, and school shoes/sandals/sports shoes.
Please ensure your son/daughter come to school in our full school uniform. It is great to see some of our tamaiti already being sun safe wearing our school sunhat.
If your child is wearing a piece of jewellery as part of their culture, please advise either their class teacher or our school office. Jewellery, nail polish, jandals and crocs are not part of our school uniform.
Well done to this week’s top 3 students who have completed the most lessons on Reading Eggs
1st Kingstyn Toia-Tawhai Rm 26
2nd Khalias Tini Rm 17
3rd Hartej Arora Rm 14
If you are unsure of your child/ren’s Reading Eggs login please see their class teacher or Mrs Tina Lindsay (our Learning Support Co-Ordinator) through our office.

CHANGE OF CLOTHING FOR OUR JUNIOR TAMARIKI If your child is in Year 0-4, we ask that you please pack them a change of clothing. This is incase of accidents which can occur at their age.
Here are different ways you can contact our school: HERO App: You can view your child’s progress and update their attendance
Call: 09 2670112 or 0800 438 777 between 8:15 – 3:30 pm
Email: rpoffice@randwickpark. school.nz for general inquiries, absences@randwickpark.school.nz for attendance, and enrolments@randwickpark.school.nz for enrolment-related queries
or Pop in to see our office staff from 8:15 – 3:30 Monday – Friday.